FIFAはオリンピックから即、サッカー競技を引き上げるべきだと強く思った I strongly believe that FIFA should immediately withdraw soccer from the Olympics.

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I strongly believe that FIFA should immediately withdraw soccer from the Olympics.

I thought it was obvious to everyone that the Tokyo Olympics 2020 should not have been held this summer, but there are people among the public, politicians, and the business community who think otherwise. The job of a politician is to decide what priorities the taxpayers’ money should be spent on based on his or her own values, but the politicians at the helm of Japan have decided that the health and lives of the people are important, but something to be gained from the Olympics is more important.
Normally, this would not be the choice of a politician, but in Japan, it seems to be okay.
I don’t think the Olympics should be the top priority for taxpayers’ money right now. Moreover, the amount of money poured into this project is much larger than the amount proposed at the time of the bid presentation.
Well, it doesn’t really matter, does it? We’ve known for a long time that Japan is at that level.
Still, it’s obvious that the burden of the taxes spent on the Olympics and the new Corona will be placed on us again. Taxes in Japan are still very high, and they’re going to get even higher. At best, we should just get excited about the Olympics.

Oh, I’ve been droning on about things I didn’t mean to write here.
What I wanted to write was about soccer in the Olympics.
I think that soccer should be pulled out of the Olympics.

It is nonsense to schedule the games in two days.

I watched the final between Brazil and Spain on the Internet. At any rate, the terrestrial broadcasters were showing the baseball final, and the BS broadcasters had changed their schedule and were showing a different event. After all, terrestrial broadcasting has not been able to keep up with soccer wins, and that’s perfectly fine. Baseball is supposed to be very popular in Japan, so it would be good to air it on terrestrial waves. I’d like to know the ratings, though, frankly.
So, Brazil vs. Spain. I could feel that each player was playing with pride and risking their lives.
It is indeed a beautiful thing to see a player put his pride on the line. Each player is free to take pride in his or her own game.
But what about the fact that they were playing for their lives? I have my doubts. No one should have to lose their life in order to win a competition. But the tragedy can still happen. However, the probability of such tragedies should be reduced as much as possible, but aren’t the Olympics increasing the probability of such tragedies?
A schedule of two days in the middle. This is an impossible schedule for soccer.

Soccer should not become a game of physical strength.

Strategy, intelligence (including mid- to long-term and split-second decisions), skill, courage, instantaneous power, and endurance.
Soccer is a comprehensive sport. Of course, this applies to all sports. However, the balance required for these elements is different.
I think soccer is one of the best of all sports in that it requires all of these elements in roughly equal proportions. I think that’s why it is a popular sport in many countries around the world.
At the Tokyo Olympics 2020, however, I felt that the game had become an endurance contest from the time it entered the final tournament.
I saw less intelligence in the games played by the representatives of each country, less sharpness in their play, and a competition of gutsy play in which they wanted to somehow score a goal despite being exhausted. I wondered if this could be called soccer.
The culprit of all this is the two-day game schedule.

I think the Olympic side should change the schedule as soon as possible. At the very least, they should allow for a couple of six-day intervals. Otherwise, I think FIFA should stop participating in the Olympics immediately.
Instead of soccer adapting to the Olympics, the Olympics should adapt to soccer.
And once again, soccer should not become a game of endurance only. It’s not soccer anymore.

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