ドグソDOGSOは今知るべきルールの一つ Doguso is one of the rules you should know now





ドグソは、DOGSO と書いてドグソと読むわけで。
「Denying an Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity」の略なのでありますよ。
Goal-Scoring Opportunityは得点の機会・チャンス。



  1. ゴールとの距離
  2. プレーの方向
  3. 守備側競技者の位置と数
  4. ボールをキープできる、またはコントロールできる可能性






1. ゴールとの距離
2. プレーの方向
3. 守備側競技者の位置と数
4. ボールをキープできる、またはコントロールできる可能性



  1. 守備サイドのプレーヤーが意図的ではない、しかしDOGUSOの条件に当てはまるファールを犯した
  2. アドバンテージを採用した時



– レッドカードの提示(退場)
– 次節の出場禁止
– 相手チームへのペナルティキックの付与

– 反則がペナルティエリア内で行われたこと。
– DOGUSOの条件を満たすこと。
– そしてそのファールが意図的に行われたと判断できること。



Doguso is one of the rules you should know now

For people who are just starting to watch soccer, there are a few rules that are hard to understand.
The first of these is offsides. I have written an easy-to-understand explanation of this for beginners to watching soccer, which you can find here.

In this article, I will explain what is called “doguso,” a type of foul.
“Why was that a red card? “Why is that a red card?” “Isn’t a yellow card appropriate? There are many ways to judge fouls, but Doguso is a good place to start to understand fouls because it shows the criteria in an easy-to-understand way.

What is a doguso? It means to prevent a decisive scoring opportunity.

For those of us who use Japanese, the word “doguso” is a bit of a misnomer.
The word “Doguso” is written “Dogso” and it is read as “Doguso”.
It stands for “Denying an Obvious Goal-Scoring Opportunity”.
Denying is stopping.
Obvious means obvious.
Goal-Scoring Opportunity is an opportunity to score.
If you break it down, it looks like this.
So, what is a decisive scoring opportunity?
This is also clearly explained in the article.

Four conditions for the establishment of DOGSO

The following four conditions are necessary for the establishment of DOGSO.
1. distance from the goal
2. direction of play
3. The position and number of defending players. 
4. the possibility of keeping or controlling the ball

Distance from goal
Whether the spot where the foul occurred is close to the goal. This is also subjective, i.e. there is no clear definition (but that’s soccer again 😅), but it’s usually said that a distance of about 25 meters is a DOGSO case.

Direction of play
Whether the attacking player was playing towards the goal or not. This is also subjective. It is somewhat obvious, though.
The most obvious case is when a front-line attacker plays a post play just outside the penalty area (with his back to the goal and a defender on his back).
If he is brought down by the defender on his back, this is a foul, but not a DOGUSO. However, if an attacking player easily swaps the defender on his back and tries to shoot, and the swapped defender knocks down the attacking player, it is a doguso (if there is no defender other than the keeper).

Position and number of defensive players
When a delicate decision occurs in a DOGSO case, it is often the decision in this case.
Whether the DOGSO is valid or not. First, the number and position of the defenders. If there is even one defensive player who is clearly approachable and can defend the player who wants to score a goal, then it is not a DOGSO.
However, if there is one more player on the attacking side than the ball holder, and the attacking side has a numerical advantage, then a DOGSO is established.
This is where it gets tricky, isn’t it?
If there are five defenders but six attackers, DOGUSO is valid as long as the other conditions are met.

The possibility of keeping or controlling the ball
If the attacking player who was fouled is in a position to control the ball. This is also a DOGUSO.
If he is dribbling or traps the ball perfectly, he is considered to be in a position to control the ball. On the other hand, if the ball is dribbled and then kicked out wide, or if the trap is misplaced and the ball is miscontrolled, the player is out of the DOGUSO condition.

In any case, to make a DOGUSO decision, you need to know
1. distance from the goal
2. direction of play
3. The position and number of defending players. 
4. the possibility of keeping or controlling the ball
These four conditions must be met.

What are the penalties for a DOGUSO?

The first thing to remember is that if you commit a foul for which the DOGUSO condition is allowed, you will basically be shown a red card. Yes, it’s a one-shot ejection.
However, there is an exception to this rule: a yellow card can be given for a DOGUSO.
This is the case in the following two situations:

  1. When a player on the defensive side of the ball commits a foul that is unintentional but qualifies as a DOGUSO.
  2. 2. when an advanced targe is used.

In case of 1, the attacking side is awarded a penalty kick. Therefore, the card drops one level to yellow.
In the second case, when the attacking team is awarded an advantage, the card drops one level to yellow.
In all other cases, the card is red.

What is a triple penalty?

In Doguso cases, there is one thing that is still important to understand and remember. It is the triple punishment.
What is a triple punishment?
– Presentation of a red card (sending off)
– Ban from playing in the next game
– Penalty kick awarded to the opposing team
What is a triple punishment?
How do you know if you have a triple penalty?
It’s simple.
– The foul must have taken place in the penalty area.
– The conditions for a DOGUSO must be met.
– And the foul must have been intentional.
When these three conditions are met, the DOGUSO foul becomes a triple penalty.

These are some of the things I have written about DOGUSO.
This information is definitely more interesting to know when watching soccer. Please understand it, and let’s enjoy watching soccer more and more.

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