天皇杯でよく起こるジャイアントキリングに思うこと Thoughts on the Giant Killing that often occurs in the Emperor’s Cup 

2023年度天皇杯 サンフレッチェ広島初戦(2回戦)を勝利


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にほんブログ村 サッカーブログ サンフレッチェ広島へ

Thoughts on the Emperor’s Cup Giant Killing

Winning the first game (2nd round) of the 2023 Emperor’s Cup for Sanfrecce Hiroshima

Giant Killing is a victory of the weak over the strong. In Japanese, it would be closer to “ban kuru wase”.

Everyone loves giant killing.
I wonder why? I guess it feels good to see the strong or supposedly strong lose.
They also like upsets. It is not only in sports, but also in the world of politics and economics. It is dramatic.
There are many Yukimura Sanada fans, even though they recognize the greatness of Ieyasu Tokugawa. Is it because there are many genes of favoritism toward the shogunate?

In the Emperor’s Cup soccer tournament, there is a high probability of giant-killing, I feel.

The old mass media, which usually does not pay attention to the J. League, suddenly picks up the J. League when a giant-killing occurs in the Emperor’s Cup.
In other words, when a J-League club loses to a lower category.
When I see them gleefully reporting the news, the phrase “human misfortune is the taste of honey” comes to mind.
The Emperor’s Cup is the first round of the tournament, and the J-League only makes an appearance in the second round, but it is around this time that a lot of jai-kiri happens.

Yesterday, June 7, Gamba Osaka lost to Kochi United 1-2 in the second round.
Gamba Osaka is in the J1 league, while Kochi is in the JFL, or J4 under the J3 league (the nature of the league is different, so it is hard to say).
For the top-ranked clubs, there should be no giant killing. But in the Emperor’s Cup, as I mentioned earlier, it seems to happen frequently (I have no evidence).

Why is it so easy for giant killing to occur in the Emperor’s Cup?

That is already obvious, isn’t it?
It is because the top-ranked clubs have many games to play, and there is a considerable risk involved in playing all the games with the best team members.
Of course, all clubs participating in the Emperor’s Cup play games other than the Emperor’s Cup (mainly league games) as well as the top clubs, but the load on the top clubs is much higher, both in terms of quantity and quality.
Therefore, the top clubs often turn over their members in the Emperor’s Cup at this time of the year, since the clubs they are playing are often lower ranked than the top clubs.
In other words, it is often not the best team (there are many interpretations).
Soccer is a running game. That is tiring. Many top players keep alcohol and nicotine out of their system during the season, and maintain their bodies and minds well after games, and even then, it is said that playing once a week is their limit.
That is why the mainstay of the team is rested here, and young players and members who are one step short of the regulars are promoted. In fact, there are many players who get a chance to turn over and become the mainstay of the team. On the other hand, lower-ranked teams are determined to make the most of their opportunities and bring out their best players.
How far will the higher ranked clubs go with turnovers? What about the players that can be put on the bench? ……
Turnover is an important tactical scene that tests the respective abilities of the coach and the players.
But, no, that is why there is a greater chance of jai-kiri happening.
In yesterday’s match between Gamba Osaka and Kochi United, if both sides played with the best members and in the best condition, Gamba would win 100 times out of 100. That does not happen in the second or third rounds of the Emperor’s Cup.

Sanfrecce Hiroshima, too, was jai-kiri’d many times.

Sanfrecce Hiroshima, a team I love, has also been hurt many times. I uploaded that in an article yesterday, June 7, so please read it.
Last year, they were jai-kiri’d violently in the final game. That was not a jai-kiri that happened for the reasons mentioned above. It was a tactic by then coach Tatsuma Yoshida, who was very good at one-shot games, and Van Foret Kofu won the gifted cup.
This year, Sanfrecce Hiroshima must go and get what they forgot last year.

The bottom of Japan’s soccer power is being raised.

Giant killing is something that should not happen to the top-ranked clubs. But it may be a rather good thing for Japanese soccer.
In last year’s World Cup, the national team beat Germany and Spain to reach the last 16.
This was a one-shot giant-killing, but it was also proof that Japan’s ability had risen to that level.
If we translate this to the Emperor’s Cup, I think it also means that the lower ranked clubs are getting stronger. In that sense, it may be a good thing for Japan’s soccer to have a giant-killing.

Well, we, Sanfrecce Hiroshima, defeated FC Tokushima by an overwhelming score of 5-0.

We are off to a good start.
This year, we would like to win the cup this year. We will be calm, but still be tough.

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